Damage & Deposits

Damage & Deposits – Once you signed your rental agreement and left your security deposit what’s next. In the old days of car rentals, defects and damages were all done via paper with the opportunity of damage charged incorrectly. Well at Season Car Hire we pride ourselves on using the latest technology and found a way to eliminate this issue.

In today’s day and age, technology has improved in the car rental world so much that it is important to keep up with the times, hence our new state of the art vehicle appraisal system allows us to do a pre-inspection electronically and record all valuable footage in digital images with a live video recorded at the point of handover.

When the vehicle is returned we have the same process replayed allowing us to have visual footage before and after. The good thing is since its introduction in early October, it has reduced damage bills by 30% and customer disputes even further by providing physical evidence in digital form, allowing the customer to feel at ease knowing the damage was caused by them. Damage & Deposits.

What does this mean for you?

It means you feel more comfortable and safer in the event of any damages that are on the vehicle knowing you can check the previous record to see whether it was there or not.

Below are actual images from an example report that was created after hire.


Why are deposits needed?

Security deposits are required to provide funds if the vehicle is damaged, returned with excess mileage, or any possible other charges which may arise.

We only accept deposits via debit or credit card as it is the safest form for both the consumer and the supplier.

Security deposits value depending on the car type. Why not take a look at our luxury car hire range available to hire.